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2012 Go Red for Women
February 17, 2012

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States? It kills nearly half a million women each year at the rate of about one per minute. They are our sisters, mothers, daughters, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

Yet, there is hope. Inside every woman is the power to live a longer, stronger life. The American Heart Association's Go Red For Women® movement seeks to provide women with the tools and resources they need to reduce their risk for heart disease and stroke.

The Cleveland Go Red For Women Health Expo & Luncheon is a life-changing experience that focuses on three areas to support the fight against heart disease in women: heightening awareness of the issue, creating a passionate call-to-action and generating funds to support education and research. Included in the day was a health expo, health screenings, breakout sessions and a silent auction.

Cleveland Women at Go Red for Women

Megan Quinn and Denise Tomachko, Chairperson for Go Red

Megan Quinn and Denise Tomachko, Chairperson for Go Red

Deborah Blackwell singing

Deborah Blackwell singing

Lisa Oliver and Trina Evans

Lisa Oliver and Trina Evans

Lindsay Silverstein,  Susie Kilgore and Jen Vogrin

Lindsay Silverstein, Susie Kilgore and Jen Vogrin

Go Red for Women auction fun

Go Red for Women auction fun

Laura Passerallo and Sandy Belaj

Laura Passerallo and Sandy Belaj

University Hospital McDonald's Women's Hospital group

University Hospital McDonald's Women's Hospital group

Jeff Embelton

Jeff Embelton

Anne Mooney and Lisa Wheeler Cooper

Anne Mooney and Lisa Wheeler Cooper

Christine Taylor

Christine Taylor

University Hospitals Doctor Attizzani

University Hospitals Doctor Attizzani

Meryl Closs

Meryl Closs

Jeff Foster from University Hospitals Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Center

Jeff Foster from University Hospitals Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Center

Chresha Auck Foley

Chresha Auck Foley

Redheads Radiate Beauty

Redheads Radiate Beauty

Key Bank Booth

Key Bank booth

John McCoy

John McCoy

Audience member asking question

Go Red for Women auction

Go Red for Women auction

Bottles in shape of heart

Learn more about Go Red for Women.

Together we can stop our Number One Killer.

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