Summer is over. The days are starting to shorten, there's a coolness in the air and football is finally here. The change of another season is upon us.
Whenever this happens, I always reflect on where my life has taken me and where it is going. I celebrated another birthday a couple of weeks ago as a single woman AGAIN, really thought by now that I would've found my "one" love. Even though I believe there is a plan for all of us on this earth, my patience and faith have been truly tested.
I've put myself out there and have been open to the opportunities of meeting my special guy. Playing this "dating" game for several years now, I haven't lost my optimism and hope. But as another season passes without finding love I always say to myself "Well...there's always next year".
Ahhh....that same mantra has been flying out of Cleveland Browns fans mouths for years. Especially since 1999 when the team returned.
Will this be the year we make it to the playoffs? Is it our turn to go to the Superbowl? That hopefulness and optimism is what bridges the gap between disappointing season after disappointing season.
Yes, last year we won ten games and came very close to making the playoffs. I also met a guy, fell in love and thought he was my one. Again, for me he wasn't it and again I was disappointed.

Most teams that win ten regular season games make it to the playoffs. But it wasn't to be for us. And why not? When is it our turn? Do we even get a turn?
Finally, we have some talent on our team after years of revolving door players. We had a surprising winning season, several players went to the Pro Bowl and now the nation is taking notice.
Even though we lost our opening game this past week, remember the New York Giants started their last season 0-2 and they won The Superbowl. So WHY not us? It's possible...isn't it? If we have it all going for us, shouldn't our turn be here?
These same questions I always ask pertaining to my singledom. Why do some people meet their "one" early in life while others search most of theirs to find them? Or never meet them at all?
Is there some secret force at work causing football teams to win Superbowls and single women to find love? Do the planets have to align a certain way, tides have to turn, pigs have to fly? Or is there some bad karma that has to be paid back?
Aren't we all deserving of love in our life? Aren't the greatest fans in all of sports due a championship? If so, this IS our year to win the game of football's biggest prize and me to find love at the end of the dating game. If not, will we still continue to participate in our respective games?
ABSOLUTELY!!!! I wouldn't trade seeing my fellow football friends in the Muni lot on a Sunday morning for anything. Talking football, eating good food, meeting other Browns fans from all over the world.
There's nothing more exciting than watching our Brownies drive down the field to score, make a one handed catch, kick a game winning field goal, or our defense holding the opposition in a goal line stance. There is not another sport that is as intense and with only a sixteen game season, each one SO important.
Do I like the letdown of losing? doesn't feel very good...but am I going to give up my gameday experience because the outcome might not be what I want? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!
This goes for my single life as well. There are many things that I do enjoy about being single. I have a great life full of many blessings, wonderful friends and family.
Yes, my ultimate goal is to share my life with that special one. Will I still play this game of dating even though the outcome might be pain and heartache? Yes, I will enjoy meeting every person I am meant to meet and learn a lot about myself along the way.
Every year that passes with my desire for love going unfufilled, my faith gets stronger and my love of self goes deeper. Isn't it the journey after all that fills up our lives?
Well, this might be our year to go to The Superbowl and my year for love. Life is amazing and isn't it exciting to think of the possibilities? What if?
Believing dreams can happen is what keeps me going. But whatever the outcome, I wouldn't miss the journey for anything!!!
So another season has started and another date has been planned......oh the possibilities....."Here we go Brownies here we go'....Hey......maybe this IS our year!!!!!
Cheers and God bless,
The Bonelady
For more about The Bonelady and/or to contact her go to

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