Susan G. Komen
Breast Cancer Foundation
Northeast Ohio Affiliate

In 1994, the Junior League of Cleveland, Inc. brought the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® to Cleveland. The success of that Race indicated a need for a Komen Affiliate here in Cleveland and as a result, the Cleveland Affiliate was established.
In 1999 the Cleveland Affiliate merged with the East Central Ohio Affiliate and the Race for the Cure® to become the Northeast Ohio Affiliate. In the past six years the Affiliate has grown in both size and stature with a current membership of over 2,000 breast cancer survivors, individuals personally touched by breast cancer, and medical professionals.
The money raised by both the Affiliate and the Race is granted to organizations throughout northeast Ohio. This year the Affiliate board approved 19 grants, which will fund programs that allow women from all backgrounds access to mammograms and treatment, provide strong educational programs, and that offer ongoing support to women, men, their families and friends.
While the Affiliate works closely with the Race as its main fundraising event, it also takes part in other fundraising events such as Lee Denim Day, BMW Ultimate Drive, and Harley-Davidson Ride for the Cure and well as other events during the year.
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Northeast Ohio Affiliate
10819 Magnolia Drive
Cleveland OH 44106
216.791.CURE (2873)
Fax 216.791.7167
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