ClevelandWomen.Com About Us and Contact Information
Women make up more than 1/2 of the population but sometimes it seems that the Internet has ignored this fact. In fact, since May 2004 more women have got online then men. The sheer enormity of the Internet does not make it easy to find information, resources and items of interest for women in the Cleveland area. By narrowing the broad scope of the Internet to a particular group (Women) and location (NE Ohio) we can provide easy-to-use, relevant and local information to our audience. Plus, we are native Clevelanders and we love our town!
ClevelandWomen.Com is geared toward providing information, resources and fun to the female population of Northeast Ohio - and those who care about them. In fact, we hope that the men in your life will visit and maybe learn what makes you tick.
We have the same philosophy for others in our family of websites including:
The online home for the
Women and Girls of Northeast Ohio
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