It is hard to imagine someone reading the title and not at least smiling a little. Mothers, if you aren't smiling it may be too late for you to get anything out of Breastfeeding Shouldn't Suck!: And some other things you should know about babies
For everyone else this is actually a light look at something very serious. Everything from What To Bring to the Hospital to dealing with Postpartum Depression is covered in this book with a heavy emphasis on, of course, breast feeding.
Although it is fact-filled it is written in a manner that makes you want to continue reading it. You may even be surprised at the things you learned while enjoying the book.
Ford will walk you through that first feeding ("You need to know that even if it seems like they are getting no food whatsoever, probably it is not so.") and even suggests you have a glass of wine while you are actually breastfeeding, noting that this will give the most amount of time for the wine to get out of your system and therefore not passed on to baby.
Ford has an easy-going style of writing, making a sensitive subject appealing rather than scary. If there is a baby in your future, this is definitely a must-read.
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