Bill Warrington's Last Chance
is the first novel written by Lakewood-born (now living in Connecticut) James King.
We meet Bill Warrington and his estranged family. We even get to know his deceased wife, Claire in an up-close and personal way.
There is a depth of character development in King's writing too often ignored in novels. I not only got to know these characters, but I genuinely cared about them, albeit some more than others.
I fell in love with Bill Warrington, the gruff, cantankerous ex-marine and his equally cantankerous granddaughter, April.
It is hard for me to believe these characters are not real and I want so badly to reach out to them. King did an amazing job of making the reader feel and relate. I am finished reading the book and yet I want to know more about them and I find myself still thinking about things they said or did.
I will add James King to my WTW list (Writers to Watch) and Bill Warrington goes to the head position on my CIL list (Characters I Like).
Visit James King's webpage for more including an interview with the author and an excerpt from his book.