We hate to play Fashion Cop but sometimes the outfits are too egregious to ignore.
For example, if you are going to wear a thong, shouldn't you be smart enough to put it on correctly?
If you want to make a statement to the world that you are Goth, that's fine. But should your dark and gloomy attire include a Spongebob Squarepants backpack?
And there are many fashionable dog leashes you could buy. No need to carry Fido like this.
It took us a few seconds to spot just what this tank top was made of. Look closely. At least we can't see the front.
And is it really "sexy" if you have to make the claim yourself? Especially via a chain going through your lip?
Diamonds? Yes. Diamonds on every finger? Sure, why not. But this is not exactly what we mean by "diamonds on every finger."
Finally, lots of bling can be fun. But you've got to know your limits, right?
This is exactly why you should always twirl once in front of the mirror before leaving the house.
Some people have no class. Look at his tie. It is soooo yesterday. His bride must be so embarrassed.
Of course, celebrities are not immune from the Fashion Cop.
What do you think of Jessica Simpson's double-buckle cheetah print belt over the high-waisted denim?
Two pairs of jeans. At once!
This guy should borrow one of those pairs of jeans
She may need to borrow a pair if these explode
Her jeans aren't her biggest fashion issue
These shorts don't camoflauge enough
Neither do these shorts or ripped shirt
Probably not good office attire
At least she is covered up - in gold - but covered
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