Six Guaranteed Ways To Really Enjoy The Holidays and Beat The Blues!"
Tom Justin, author of "How To Take No For An Answer And Still Succeed," offers these humorous Holiday tips. Then on a more serious note, he presents, "Six Guaranteed Ways To Really Enjoy The Holidays and Beat The Blues!" Justin, a long time personal and business coach, said that he's noticed a remarkable difference in the attitudes of some of his clients during the Holiday season. While most people get caught up in the joy of the season, Justin said that he used to be surprised by the things that can isolate or depress some people. "There are all kinds of triggers," says Justin. "The key is being self-aware before you damage the time for either yourself, your family and friends." Some ways you might feel rejected during the holidays:- "If Santa Claus ate all your cookies but didn't leave a present, you might feel rejected."
- "If, at a party, more than one person asks if you've been taking your medication and they've never met you before, you might feel rejected."
- "If you're not invited to the office Christmas party - and you're the boss, you might feel rejected."
- "Your best friend told you to cheer up, things could be worse. So you cheered up and sure enough, things got worse."
- "If you were expecting an engagement ring at Christmas, but instead, your boyfriend gives you a vacuum cleaner, you might feel rejected."
- "If you ask your wife to go to the neighbor's New Years Eve party but she already has a date, you might feel rejected."
- "If all your gifts you receive this year are the exact same gifts you gave last year, with the same wrappings, you might feel rejected."
- "Instead of having a star named after you for your Christmas present, you have a pier named in your honor because you've missed so many "boats" in life, you might feel rejected."
- "If you receive an anonymous application for Extreme Makeover- more than once, you might feel rejected."
Six Guaranteed Ways To Really Enjoy The Holidays - "Search daily for reasons to be grateful. Concentrate on what you have, not what you lack."
- "Be forgiving. Forgive others, especially if you're going to be seeing them, even your in-laws. Forgive yourself for your errors and any other transgressions you've made throughout the year."
- "Find new and unique ways to express your appreciation and love for friends and relatives."
- "Don't try to treat the "holiday blues" with holiday booze; it will just cause deeper shades of blue."
- "If you're happy be sure to tell your face. If you're not, tell your face to fake it."
- "Don't compare your gifts or station in life to others, especially your friends and family. Your loved ones know you're doing the best you can. You can resolve to do better. Let it be a motivation, not a holiday blue note."
"Google shows 7,230,000 hits for "Holiday Blues." Follow these simple guidelines and you won't be one of them!" Remember," says Justin, "if you haven't been rejected, disappointed or failed recently, you aren't living close enough to your potential."

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