JCPenney Salons Offer
Inspirational Styles and Engaging Services
Q. What's your best advice for sleeping on hair so I don't wake up with Bed Hair? Thank you.
A. There isn't much you can do to get rid of bed head but here are some tips to keep it under control.
Buy a satin pillow case. The satin is smooth, so your hair will move easier while you sleep and not have as many tangles in the morning.
To control the frizz of bed head use a smoothing serum (Paul Mitchell Super skinny) it will smooth down the cuticle so you won't wake up with as many fly-always.
Response by Amanda
Q. I just got my hair colored and I hate it. It was supposed to be auburn and it is more like burgundy. My stylist said I have to wait a few weeks before they will take it out.
I can't stay it that long and I can't go out looking like this. I think I will loose my job if I go to work with burgundy hair. PLEASE HELP ME!
In the mean time, condition your hair every night (apply conditioner and leave on for 10min) this will get your hair "ready" for the corrective color treatment.
I tease my hair like crazy to get the height I like, but I am afraid I am damaging my hair. Is there another way that would be better? Big hair girls everywhere will thank you.
Tip: don't use a lot of hair spray. Using a lot of spray will cause the hair to harden and then the teasing will break the hardened hair shaft.
To prevent a lot of damage, condition your hair a lot. Try leaving your conditioner on for 10 minutes once a week.
Idea? Try a new Texas look: add large curls, this will give you the "big Texas" look but still having the "Cleveland Sleek" hair.