I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to write your comments about my column and asking questions. I love getting your mail and I will answer as many questions as possible through my column.
If you would like me to get to you sooner, do not hesitate to provide an email address or other contact information and if I have the time, you just might get an email from me in your in box!
Today's question comes from Amber, a twenty-something who is grappling with thoughts of college, career and finances.
Here is what Amber had to say:
I am in my early 20s and have had several jobs since high school and have been at my current job about a year. I am thinking about attending college, possibly this fall. I have also moved quite a bit due to not being able to afford places and roommate troubles and am looking for some advice on how to get started on the career path and get on a good financial plan so I can get out on my own and on track. thanks!
Hi Amber,
I can hear you are at an interesting time in your life. Those beginning phases of work and being out on your own can sometimes feel a little daunting. Without more detail about what assistance you need regarding your career it is a little hard for me to say exactly what to do next.
- Are you unsure what you want to do?
- Are you looking for more meaningful work?
- Are you trying to identify if going to college is right for you?
What should I do with my life?If you are trying to figure out what to do with your life I do have some advice for you. I believe that we each have a special purpose here in the world and that our purpose will become clear when we follow our interests and passions.
One of the very best books I have read about finding your career path is a book by Barbara Sher called "I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was
This book is a step-by-step guide for identifying your talents and interests and turning them into a profession. This was the book that took me from full-time employee in corporate America to doing my dream work from home on my own terms.
Straightening out the finances.
When it comes to financial guidance the first place I would send you is a Suze Orman's book "The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke
". The title says it all!
Today's generation is tempted with visions of glamour and "bling". So many feel that they should be able to buy whatever they want - cars, clothes, ipods, dinners out, just because they want it and the easy access to high-interest rate credit cards only compounds the problem.
Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe we "really can have it all", and at the same time, sometimes "having it all" is something that you grow into over time while being responsible with your money. So bravo Amber for wanting to get on the right track!
With Suze's non-nonsense, tough-love style and her own experience as a YF&Ber, she is an excellent guide for taking a twenty-something from struggling to striving. You should have no trouble finding either of these books at the library or book store.
My final thought for you Amber is that while things may seem a little fuzzy right now, the fact is that you are taking action, you are looking for solutions and reaching out. This is a huge step towards clarity, honing your vision and having the life that you imagine.
Thank you for sharing yourself and if you would like to discuss your situation further, do not hesitate to go to my website www.coachjoelle.com and send me an email.
With Love,
Coach Joelle
p.s. Keep the questions coming. It is an honor for me to support each of you in experiencing the magic of a life lived on purpose!
Learn more about Professional Life Coach Joelle