The social goal achievement web application,, offered a list of easy to achieve New Year's resolutions that make a difference.
Robin Krieglstein, CEO and founder of GoalTribe, Inc. noted that, "Although New Years is the traditional time of year to take stock of your life and set big goals for the coming year, too often people try to go from coach potato to marathoner with no steps in between. That's a recipe for frustration."
From their experience with the thousands of goals set on, Krieglstein says the key is breaking gigantic goals into smaller, attainable goals that you can easily commit to and achieve.
To guarantee success with all of your New Year's resolutions, and goal achievement throughout the year, recommends getting a support network of allies to hold you accountable. To support its mission of helping people improve their lives, their communities and the world through goal achievement, Goaltribe prepared the following 12 simple New Year's Resolutions that anybody can easily achieve.
Try something new this year and set at least one New Year's resolution you will actually achieve!