Chat with Pat
Introductory Column
To bet or not to bet
Pat Chats about the Gamblers
and Non-gamblers in her family
The Scale is Evil!
Chat with Pat goes on a diet
Away in a ... Cabin?
Pat chats about a special holiday memory
Cable and Toasters and Phones - Oh My!
Pat chats about some consumer gripes
Pat's letter to Santa
She asks for some unusual gifts
Halloween Memories
Pat chats about one of her favorite holidays
My Dad - James Francis "Bud" Sweeney
Pat chats about her dad on Father's Day
Music, music, music!
Pat chats about family sing-alongs
Peaches in January?
Pat chats about seasonal foods
It's a Dog's Life
Pat chats about how we treat our dogs
Pat chats about Names
Whatever happened to Agnes and Dorothy?
Pat chats about Sports
Cleveland, Women and Sports
Feeling out of step?
Pat chats about being different
Color of Spring
Pat wonders if Spring will ever come
The Black Toe Club
Pat chats about a happy accident
From winter to summer
Pat finally puts away the snow shovels

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