Mercedes Spotts has recently earned another well deserved honor. She was awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor Award in June, 2005.
The Award is given by the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations Inc. (NECO). Here's what their website says about the award:
"The Ellis Island Medal of Honor was created in 1986 to honor the many ancestral groups who through struggle, sacrifice and success, helped build this great nation. Six Presidents, several Senators and Congressman and Nobel Prize Winners are among the remarkable group of individuals to receive the Ellis Island Medals of Honor for their outstanding contributions to America.
This year, the prestigious Medals will again be presented to outstanding Americans who have distinguished themselves as citizens of the United States."
Mercedes was nominated by two Cleveland attorneys, Margaret Wong and Danny McCarthy.
Mercedes had a wonderful experience traveling to New York for the Awards Ceremony. Her sons and grandson were there in their tuxedos and presented her with a dozen roses.
Penny Marshall was one of the recipients and Mercedes had a great time talking to her. Mercedes was wearing a beautiful gown and less-than-beautiful shoes because she has problems with her feet.
She was thrilled to see Penny in a gorgeous black tuxedo and white blouse with white tennis shoes! Penny told her no one in their right mind would wear high heels to an event like this!
The event started at 4:00 at a restaurant in Battery Park - ended on ferry at midnight with fireworks exploding around them.
She met Lee Iacocca who was a keynote speaker. He told her he hoped he wouldn't bore her. She responded "You're Lee Iacocca - you'll never bore me."
The owner of international travel agency General Tours brought the Ambassador of Poland as his guest. The Ambassador hugged Mercedes and kissed her on the cheeks saying "Today Poland is proud of her daughter."
ClevelandWomen.Com is also very proud of her - she is very deserving of this award.
Congratulations Mercedes!

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