Resources for Women
Domestic Violence Information and Help
Rape & Sexual Assault Information For Survivors and their Families/Friends
Amber Alert How to protect your child from abduction
Don't be a Victim 8 Tips to stay safe
Self-Defense 101 for Women - How to Protect your HeadLori O'Neill of Alternative Defense Strategies shows Joe Cronauer of WKYC-TV 3 in Cleveland Ohio a basic self-defense move to protect the head if you are attacked.
Basics of using Pepper Spray for self-defense
Lori O'Neill of Alternative Defense Strategies shows Joe Cronauer of WKYC-TV 3 in Cleveland Ohio the basics of using pepper spray for self-defense. She recommends that you carry the pepper spray in your non-dominant hand and use your thumb not your index finger to spray it. Pepper spray disperses in a cloud, not a stream, so you don't have to have a good aim.
More Pepper Spray basics for self-defenseLori O'Neill of Alternative Defense Strategies shows Joe Cronauer of WKYC-TV 3 in Cleveland Ohio the basics of using pepper spray for self-defense. Joe asked if it won't just get the attacker more mad at you and more dangerous. And Lori is also asked how long a container will last and be effective.
Business and Professional Resources
Can Women have it all? Cleveland City Club Panelists discuss
Marketing That Drives Revenue For Your Small Business Katherine Miracle at Ursuline College

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Resources & Opportunities for Cleveland Women and Girls