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Mustache, Rubbing Alcohol and Loose skin after a diet

Q. Every time I get some sun on my face, (even when I use sunscreen), it looks like my upper lip gets darker (like a mustache!)

Why does this happen, and how can I prevent it?

A. This sounds like melasma, which is a darkening of the skin that occurs commonly on the face and upper lip. Hormonal fluctuation, including pregnancy and taking birth control pills, can increase your risk of developing melasma.

This pigment is very sensitive to sun exposure and sunscreen should be worn on a daily basis to minimize darkening of the area. Bleaching creams can successfully lighten melasma, but may not remove it completely.

Q. I have been using rubbing alcohol on my face since I was 13 to get rid of acne and I was wondering, does rubbing alcohol make you age faster? Wrinkle faster? Like how the sun does?

A. Rubbing alcohol may dry out the skin but, unlike sun exposure, does not accelerate the aging process.

Q. Hi. I am about to start a diet. I am a little concerned about loose skin once the weight is gone.

Currently, I weigh 220 lbs and I am 5'3. I want to lose 90 lbs over this year.

Do you think it is likely that I will be able to come out of this without loose, sagging skin? What can I do to help prevent it?

A. There is no cream or lotion that will prevent loose skin from developing when losing large amounts of weigh.

However, losing the weight slowly rather than rapidly will help minimize loose skin. Also toning muscles during weight loss will minimize the appearance of loose skin.

In general, the longer you have been overweight, the longer the skin has been stretched and the less likely it is to fully retract when the weight is lost.

ClevelandWomen.com is the home for expert skin advice from our expert dermatologist

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Dermatolgist Monique Cohn
Dermatolgist Monique Cohn

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