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Domestic Violence Center

The Domestic Violence Center

The Domestic Violence Center is committed to a comprehensive approach to ending domestic violence and fostering peaceful relationships.

The Domestic Violence Center offers comprehensive, coordinated programs and services that address the immediate and long-term needs of domestic violence victims, their children and abusers.

The Domestic Violence Center offers services and resources every hour of every day. The 24-HOUR HELPLINE offers immediate and confidential crisis assistance, emotional support, and information.

216-391-HELP (4357)

In Cleveland, police estimate they respond to 2,000 calls a month for domestic violence. Published police blotters in suburban newspapers now publish specific arrests for domestic violence.

The abuse continues and agencies like DVC continue to build comprehensive, coordinated programs and services to protect women and children in shelters and in the community.

The Domestic Violence Center (DVC) is a nonprofit organization, and the only organization in Cuyahoga County devoted totally to the issue of Domestic Violence. Our agency offers emergency shelter, justice system advocacy, counseling, community education and training programs for youth and adults, a supervised visitation program, specialized programming for Latina victims, community support groups and a 24 hour hotline.

DVC was formed in July 2001 from the merging of The Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Templum. The Domestic Violence Center draws from the history of two organizations with a combined fifty years of experience in working with domestic violence victims, their children and abusive individuals.

Visit the DVC's website for much more information including FAQ about Domestic Violence such as The Signs of Abuse, Who is at risk of being a Victim and What can a Victim do.

You can also contact them at:

Hotline:216-391-HELP (4357)

Business Line: 216-651-8484

Address: P.O. Box 5466, Cleveland, Ohio 44101

The comprehensive website also lists upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and how you can contribute to this importnat cause.

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