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Tip of the Week
- Scraps

How often do you get a thought or an idea while you are working on something else? If you are working at the PC, you can use something called scraps to capture those thoughts.

Scraps can be used in most Microsoft Office programs such as Word or Excel. When you get the great idea, just type it into the program you are working on. Here's an example using Microsoft Word:

Type something into Word. It can be in the document you are working on or a new one.

  1. Highlight the words you want to make a scrap
  2. Using your left mouse key, drag the highlighted words to your desktop and release the mouse button.(Note: if the desktop is not in view, make the Word window smaller and minimize other programs you may have open.
  3. You will then see an icon on your desktop that has the name of the document and the word "Scrap"
  4. Next time you want to call up that idea, click on the scrap icon on your desktop and it will launch Word (or Excel or...) and the text will be there for you to edit or add to.
Note you can store scraps in folders so as not to clutter up your desktop.

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