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Who was the First Woman... Quiz - Part 2

We've come a long way - thanks to women such as these who were the first to do something. Some are easy, some are very difficult. How many do you know?

Who was the ...

  1. First woman president of a national bank
  2. First woman judge
  3. First woman governor of U. S. state (Texas)
  4. First person to conduct national survey of sexual attitudes
  5. First woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize

  6. First woman elected to U.S. Senate
  7. First woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean
  8. First woman foreign diplomat
  9. First woman to win a Nobel Prize for Literature
  10. First woman to sell securities on the New York Stock Curb Exchange
  11. First U.S. woman bullfighter in Spain
  12. First woman treasurer of the United States
  13. First woman to own seat on the New York Stock Exchange
  14. First woman to carry U.S. flag at the Olympic Games
  15. First woman to be named major general in U.S. Army
  16. First woman governor to be re-elected (Connecticut)
  17. First woman justice of the U. S. Supreme Court
  18. First woman to win an Olympic marathon
  19. First woman police chief of major U. S. city (Portland, OR)
  20. First woman to walk to North Pole
  21. First woman citizen passenger on a space mission

  1. Kate Gleason in 1917
  2. Florence E. Allen in 1920
  3. Hallie Ferguson in 1924
  4. Katherine Bement Davis in 1929
  5. Jane Addams in 1931
  6. Hattie Wyatt Caraway in 1932
  7. Amelia Earhart in 1932
  8. Ruth Bran Owen in 1933
  9. Pearl S. Buck in 1935
  10. Linda Darnell in 1941
  11. Conchita V. Cintron in 1949
  12. Georgia Nesse Clark in 1949
  13. Muriel Siebert in 1967

  14. Janice Lee York Romary in 1968
  15. Mary Clarke in 1978
  16. Ella Grasso in 1978
  17. Sandra Day O'Connor in 1981
  18. Joan Benoit (Samuelson) in 1984
  19. Penny Harrington in 1985
  20. Ann Bancroft in 1986
  21. Christa McAuliffe in 1986

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