Q. Last March, I lost both big toenails following at 50k race. The nails are now almost back to normal length, but they get to a point where they don't seem to be able to grow past the skin that now impedes them from growing out the last little bit.
I have to cut the nail very short to get some pain relief. How can I get the nail to grow past this point and return to normal? Thanks for any help.
Additionally "big" toenails generally require a full year to return to their previous length. Damage to the nail bed may have occurred that is preventing the nails from being attached to the nail bed. A visit to a qualified Podiatrist is recommended.
Wonder, when I wear orthotics when I run, if it's be okay if I wear a lighter shoe for a mild arch (vs. a heavier shoe for no arch)? Thanks
You can try to wear the orthotic with a lighter shoe and see how stable your foot feels. Check with your podiatrist at least once per year to monitor any changes with your feet.