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Starting to Run at Age 45
by Kate Pophal

Q. So how does a person who has no experience running get started, and at my age (45), should I even try?

I do walk regulary, more recently on my treadmill about 2 miles a session 3 - 4 days a week. Can you direct me to a site/club for beginners? I live in Euclid, closer to South Euclid border. Thanks

A. Bonita,
45 years old, OLD!?!? I just witnessed a 60 year old begin running and successfully finish her first 1/2 marathon!

I teach 2 beginner classes that will start in the spring around March. One is at Second Sole in Lyndhurst and the other is through Mayfield Community and Recreation Center in Mayfield Heights. I will contact you through your e-mail address with details on both once I have them.

In the meantime, why don't you start 5x-7x, 1-2 minute slow jogs in the middle of your scheduled treadmill walks?

Make sure you can talk during the jogs. If you can't, slow down your pace or start to walk again.

In a couple of weeks, you will be able to progress to 5x-7x, 2-3 minute slow jogs and so on. Before you know it, you'll be jogging a half mile.

Hope this helps. Happy jogging!

Ask Kate a Question by e-mail at run@ClevelandWomen.Com

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