Are you kidding? Who is even thinking about real estate in these troubled economic times. Actually, this is the perfect time to be thinking about your home and your next home.
There are bargains available now that may be once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.
Maybe your situation has changed - you have more or less income or there are fewer or more family members living at home. Maybe your home is not energy efficient and you'd like to go green. Or maybe you just need a change from your existing location.
With the historic opportunities available now, keeping tabs on real estate is a wise thing to do.
Below you will see some reasons why now might be the perfect time to make a real estate decision.
Once-in-a-lifetime financing opportunities available now.
These tax incentives, credits and reduced prices won't last!
Ever dream of living in a trendy, hip loft in a trendy, hip city?
Shaker Heights is offering special incentives for a limited time
The Top 15 Reasons
Why People Are Moving to The Lofts at Avalon Station

Homeownership is an important part of the American way of life, but Time is of the Essence
First-time home buyers who have been considering purchasing a home received great news as a new Federal Tax Credit was put into effect, making now the perfect time to start looking for a first home.
The Housing and Economic Recovery Act gives first time home buyers up to an $8000 tax credit incentive to purchase a home between January 1st 2009 and December 1st 2009. Law makers offered the incentive to jump start entry buyers into communities such as The Lofts at Avalon Station.
Unbelievable Choices
An outstanding selection of homes is another reason that it's a good time to buy.
Many builders have homes available for immediate occupancy that offer many upgrades and incentives.
Low Interest Rates
Mortgage rates have been near record lows. But rates can and do change. This is another reason to invest now. As rates increase a monthly mortgage payment can become unaffordable.
Greener and Better
New homes today are more energy and resource efficient than ever before. The use of new materials and construction techniques, today's homes are built twice as energy efficient as new homes as a generation ago, making them more affordable to own and operate.
Tax Benefits for Home Owners
Tax benefits apply only to housing that help lower the cost of homeownership. Both mortgage interest and property taxes are deductible.
In addition to these many reasons to invest now, there are many financial initiatives specific to Cleveland area properties that make buying at this location an exceptional value.

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