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Lumpy Girl Claire
Nickel and Dime

Any weight that doesn't end with five or zero doesn't really matter to me.

I live in fives and tens only. Which side of the zero am I on? How can I get down to the next five?

I don't think I'm the only one who does this. Ask anyone how much they weigh, and if you are still alive after that to hear, they'll usually round up or down to a number they feel comfortable with that ends in 5 or 0.

Often nowhere near what they actually weigh - of course. Skinny boys round up; Lumpy girls round down (by 20 or more pounds usually).

You never hear someone complaining that they have gained 7 pounds or that their goal is to lose 24. That would be 5 and 25 respectively. Yes, you get to round down at 7. Those other two pounds can be explained away as water weight gain. The extra pound to loose is a gimme.

If they did a survey, how many people do you suppose have their weight on their driver's license in some multiple of five? I'd like to know. Mine has certainly always been. I bet the number would be pretty high.

I'm guessing that the number of people who lied about their weight on their driver's license is also very high. I'm not admitting to that one.

I reckon since I nickeled and dimed this weight on, taking it off the same way makes sense. I'd prefer to quarter and fifty-cent piece it off, but then I've always been the impatient sort.

So each week I watch the five or the zero. They are my mini goals and are the reason I don't give up. They are my focus because I know that with a little determination and a lot of salad I can get there in a couple of weeks. Losing forty-five pounds (make that 30 now) may seem overwhelming, but losing five is doable.

I hit the zero on my last weigh-in so I won't make the five this week, but I certainly made progress towards it. I lost 2.6 for a total of 17.6 pounds! Just 2.4 more to reach 20!

I have to tell you that even though I'm not even half way to my goal, there is a noticeable difference in my appearance once I got to 15 pounds. If you are out there struggling, know that even 15 pounds can make a big difference.

People are coming up to me to tell me how good I'm looking and to find out how I'm losing the weight. I don't have to rely on my skewed vision in the mirror - others are seeing the Skinny Girl too.

Just think what the next 15 pounds will do!


Stick to the program without cheating and see how close I can get to that 20-pounds off.


Shopping!! I need new clothes.

Other Numbers Going Down

Guess what? Due to my weight loss to date, I am no longer considered obese. I'm merely (?) overweight, and I have to say I'm delighted.

How do I know this? I visited the CDC website and calculated my BMI.

When I reach my goal, I will be back in the "normal" range. Just think, me, normal! It boggles the mind! ;-)


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