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The new Claire is
Under Construction

I had to make a choice this week. Was I going to sign up for another 4 months on my weight loss program, or was I going to try to do this on my own? (And put that money towards that new computer I want instead.)

I've been very happy with the program. I've learned a lot and I lost 20 pounds as a result. Even more impressive, I've kept the weight off, which has never happened before.

Lately, however, I'm having the feeling that it's time for me to venture out on my own. Lumpy Girl is feeling restless and wants a change. I can't argue because I'm ready for a change too.

I already have all the diet tools I need to succeed. I know what I need to do and how. I just need to go ahead and do it.

But can I do it on my own? Is it possible for me to have a Do-it-Yourself diet plan?

I admit it's kind of scary to go without that safety net of membership. My weekly meetings were very helpful in achieving my current status. It was great to have that group of people helping me track my progress, giving me encouragement and holding me accountable. Not to mention the creative thinking skills I was developing, coming up with new excuses each week for the lady who was weighing me.

  • "Gee, I must be wearing heavier clothes today."
  • "I've got a lot on my mind."
  • "I'm growing my hair out."
  • "Barometric pressure always affects me."
But I can't go to meetings for the rest of my life. At some point I have to stand up and be my own support and be accountable to myself. If I'm going to make this a lifelong deal, I'm going to have to figure out how to keep it going without someone looking over my shoulder.

Where do I begin?

On TV, all Do-It-Yourself projects start with a plan, a budget, a color scheme and a vision of the outcome. I suppose I don't really need a color scheme, but if I have to choose one, black is slimming…

I already have that vision of the outcome: Me, the Skinny Girl, 25 pounds slimmer, just in time for summer.

My plan for this week is to rid the house of junk food. And that means throw it out or give it away, not eat it. Bye-bye cookies! Bye-bye cake! Bye-bye…sob…chocolate!!

Then I'm going to stock up on the foods I should be eating: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, and lean protein. When I get hungry, my only choice will be to eat the stuff that's good for me.

I'm also stocking up on some diet-type goodies to make the transition easier. I don't want to find myself buying day-old Suzy-Q's in the middle of the night at the 24-hour convenience store.

To make it more official and give me less chance to slack off, I'm going to continue with a weekly weigh-in. I'm hanging a calendar near the scales and I'm going to record my weight so that I can watch my progress and can quickly address any backsliding.

I think that's enough to get my DIY-et off to a good start. I'll keep adding to and adjusting my plan as I work towards my goal.

The new Claire is under construction. We'll see if next week I can report a weight loss.


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