Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between ages 15 and 44 in the United States - more than car accidents, muggings, and rape combined.
(Uniform Crime Reports, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1991.)
Battered women are more likely to suffer miscarriages and to give birth to babies with low birth weights.
(Surgeon General, United States, 1992.)
There are nearly three times as many animal shelters in the United States as there are shelters for battered women and their children.
(Senate Judiciary Hearings, Violence Against Women Act, 1990.)
From August 1989 to January 1990, faculty members at Midwestern State University conducted a study based on a random statewide mail survey of 6,000 women. More than 50% of women who said they had been abused reported by their spouse reported family incomes above $35,000. Just over 70% were Anglo; 10.4% were black; and 9.5% were Hispanic. The education levels and income of the abusers. That profile showed that more than 18% had a bachelor's degree or higher.
(M.C. Moewe, "The Hidden Violence: For Richer and For Poorer," Fort Worth Star-Telegram, April 5, 1992.)
Forty-six percent of Americans continue to agree that "men sometimes physically abuse women because they are stressed out or drunk; it's not that they mean to hurt them".
(Lieberman Research, Inc. Domestic Violence Advertising Campaign Tracking Survey. Wave III - November 1995. Prepared for: The Advertising Council and Family Violence Prevention Fund)
A woman is beaten every 15 seconds.
(Bureau of Justice Statistics, Report to the nation on Crime and Justice. The Data. Washington D.C. Office of Justice Program, U.S. Department of Justice. October 1983.)