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Labor Day Thoughts
by Mary Foley

Last night at dinner I was thinking about Labor Day Weekend here in the U.S. when it just struck me funny that ...

  • Labor Day was established to honor our labor by giving us a day off from jobs that so many of us hate.
  • Whoever came up with calling it "Labor Day Weekend" after putting in a full "work week" was either having a creative block or was a super Type A personality who had no clue how to chill out and have fun.
  • All the women who give birth on Labor Day DON'T get the day off (but they get one heck of a story to milk for the rest of their lives)!
  • We work way too hard trying to be happy when all we have to do is have this LABOR Day rallying cry:
  • "Let's

(Ok, so I added an "s" but work with me on this one ... "work with me"...get it! LOL!)

Seriously, we expend so much energy and effort trying to be "perfect" and "right" in every situation that we easily loose our true ourselves. I can just hear Dr. Phil say, "And how's that working for ya?"

I lost part of myself in my marriage in my mid-20s that made me realize it wasn't worth it. It took some "work" to reclaim myself, but it's been the best investment in my happiness I've ever made.

Not only did my personal life improve, but so did my career at AOL. It's been a boon to my journey as an entreprenuer as well.

Now, everywhere in my life, I'm the "real Mary". I'm not faking it at all, and lovin' it! It's so much less work and what's really been fun is being around others who are their real selves, too.

So, this Labor Day Weekend, stop working so hard at pleasing others or being someone you're not. Be your fabulous, bodacious real self and invite others to do the same. Now, that's the making of a good party!

Happy "Let's All Be Our Real Selves" Weekend!

Mary Foley

P.S. - If your current job isn't letting you be your real self, my "6 Steps To Win the Job You Really Want" audio workbook package could really help. It's dirt cheap, too, but only through Monday. Same for my remaining CDs that could help you in your business and career. Check it out here

Mary Foley, author of "Bodacious! Career: Outrageous Success for Working Women" inspires women to be courageously in charge of their lives, careers and businesses. You can be inspired, too! Get her free e-book "10 Bodacious Ways for a Bodacious Career today.

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