Somehow, when you weren't expecting it, the calendar says you are a "mature" woman.
Maybe you are a Boomer who's amazed that the AARP offers membership at a mere 50 years old. Maybe you are part of the Greatest Generation or somewhere in between.
In any case, this section is for you; written by and about women facing some of the same changes and opportunities that you are.
You can also find a lot more information and features at our sister website, ClevelandSeniors.Com, which is geared to the 50 and over crowd and those who care for an about them.
Some of our favorite writers, like the popular Amy Kenneley, have lots of great stuff on that site. Check it out.
Please give us your feedback. E-mail with your own thoughts and ideas.
Amy Kenneley
Thoughts and Stories from this gifted writer and Cleveland Woman
Surviving Your Pre-Retirement Years
15 Things You Must Do Between 50 and 64
A Round-Heeled Woman:
My Late-Life Adventures in Sex and Romance
by Jane Juska. Reviewed by Kelly Ferjutz
Music, Music, Music!
Pat chats about the old songs and family sinaglongs

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